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Saturday, September 21, 2013

UMS Email driver Errors

In this post, I would like to share two UMS errors and their solutions


ID 1341107.1Error status received from UMS.[[
Status detail :
         Status type : DELIVERY_TO_DRIVER:FAILURE,
         Status Content : No matching drivers found for sender address = EMAIL:soaadmin@example.com,
         Addressed to : EMAIL:user1@example.com,
         UMS Driver : null,
         UMS Message Id : 1823d47b0a58948725252c998e082228,
         Gateway message Id : null,
         Status Received at : Thu Jul 25 16:22:16 PDT 2013.
Check status details and fix the underlying reason, which caused error.

Cause: The UMS Driver for the appropriate channel(Email) is configured with a specific list of
SenderAddresses, and the message sent by the application has a Sender Address that does not

Remedy: Make the Sender Address blank. This will ensure that all outbound messages will be sent
regardless of the sender address.


Error Message: ORABPEL-31023 - Cannot send email notification to address. The
address is being marked as invalid and no further notification would be sent to this address.

Cause: Due to a number of previous failed send attempts to an email address, SOA Suite has
added the address to the Bad Address List thus preventing subsequent sends to this address from
failing. The previous failed attempts may been caused by a configuration issue.

Remedy: Remove the email address from the Bad Address List. This can be done by selecting View
Bad Addresses from the Notification Management page in Enterprise Manager. When the Bad Address
List dialog box is displayed, remove the email address from this list.